Saturday, March 29, 2014

Entering Data and Moving in Excel Worksheet

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Entering Data and Moving in Excel Worksheet is very easy and you find that it is the time saver for data entry. You can enter any numbers, text, dates in Excel and you can format as per your requirement.

Entering Data

In order in enter data into your worksheet, you need to activate the cell by locate your mouse point to any cell When your cell is activated, it become Active Cell. Active Cell is the place where we enter the data. When we open a new Excel Workbook, by default it activates A1 (top-left corner of a Worksheet) position of a Worksheet and we can start entering the data.

We can see the cell A1 is activate and you can see the Address of the active Cell in the Address bar (rounded with red circle), you can also observe the sample text in A1.

We can also activate a Cell and enter the data in Formula bar.

So, we can activate any Cell and enter the data as per our requirement, below is the example data entered in a worksheet.

Editing Data

We can simply select any Cell and enter new data to edit the existing data in a Cell.
If you want to edit a particular part of existing data, then you need to activate (by pressing F2 or double clicking with the mouse), then goto the particular position and change the data. You may also use Formula bar for editting data, it will give more flexibility to enter the data. To do this, select a Cell and go to Formula bar then start editing or entering the data.

You can also use, Go To Command (You can enable the Go To Command by pressing the Ctr+G. For example, if you want to Activate B8, enter B8 in the Reference space of the Go To Command and then press OK button.

You can also use Address bar to move around the Worksheet and Activate a particular Cell. For example, if you want to Activate B9, enter B9 in the Adress Bar and then press Enter Key.


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