Saturday, March 29, 2014

Indentation Paragraph, Set Line Spacing, Set Tabs

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When you type information into Microsoft Word, each time you press the Enter key Word creates a new paragraph. As you know margin settings determine the blank space that appears on each side of a paragraph. For example, you can indent the first line of a paragraph, you can set the amount of space that separates paragraphs, and you can align a paragraph left, right, center, or flush with both margins. Styles are a set of formats you can quickly apply to a paragraph. For example, by applying a style, you can set the font, set the font size, and align a paragraph all at once. In this lesson, you will learn about the various formats you can apply to a paragraph and about styles.

Left Indentation
Left indentation means to move the left edge of the paragraph inward towards the center of the paragraph.

How to make Left Indentation
Step 1. Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent left and click Increase Indent button available on Home tab or simply press Ctrl + M keys. You can click multiple times to create deeper indentation.

Step 2 You can remove left indentation by clicking Decrease Indent button available on Home tab or simply press Ctrl + Shift+ M keys.

You can also use to Paragraph Dialog Box to set left and right indentations. We will see this dialog box in last section of this chapter.

Right Indentation
Right indentation means to move the right edge of the paragraph inward towards the center of the paragraph.

How to make right indent
Step 1 Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent right and click Increase Right Indent spinner available on Page Layout tab. You can click multiple the spinner times to create deeper indentation. You can use Left Indent spinners as well to set left indentation from the same place.

Step 2 You can remove right indentation by clicking the Decrease Right Indent spinner in opposite direction.

First Line Indentation
You can move the left side of the first line of a paragraph inward toward the center.

How to make first line indentation
Step 1. Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent right and click the Paragraph Dialog BoxLauncher available on Home tab.
Step 2. Click Before Text spinner to set left indentation and select First Line Option to move the left side of the first line of a paragraph inward toward the center. You can control the movement by setting Indentation Unit.

Hanging Indentation
You can move the left side of the first line of a paragraph leftward, away from the center which is called hanging indentation.

How to make Hanging indentation
Step 1 Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent right and click the Paragraph Dialog BoxLauncher available on Home tab.
Step 2  Click Before Text spinner to set left indentation and select Hanging Option to move the left side of the first line of a paragraph leftward, away from the center. You can control the movement by setting Indentation Unit.

Spacing between Lines
Line Spacing is the space between two lines of the paragraph in your document.
Following are the simple steps to adjust spacing between two lines of the document.

How to make line spacing
Step 1 Select the paragraph or paragraphs for which you want to define spacing.
Step 2 Click the Line and Paragraph Spacing Button triangle to display a list of options to adjust space between the lines.

Spacing between Paragraphs:
You can also set distance between two paragraphs.

How to make Spacing between paragraph
Step 1 Select the paragraph or paragraphs for which you want to define spacing and click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher available on Home tab.
Step 2 Click Before spinner to increase or decrease the space before the selected paragraph. Similar way click After spinner to increase or decrease the space after the selected paragraph. Finally click OK button to apply the changes.

In conclusion, Microsoft word provides us many features and operations to work with our document. It has many other features, you can explore and try it by yourself to to how it work.


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